I have very high expectations of my friends. The people I love about are some of the most witty, sharp, amazing people ever; and when one falls down, I don't hesitate to raise their spirits. However, that is not to say that there is sympathy.
If a rower has a bad day, or catches a crab, or loses a seat, the one thing I won't do is feel sympathetic. Yes, bad things happen, by our own doing or another, but you get back on the horse. You forget what happened, assess the present situation and make constructive steps to improve, or achieve, or get to where you want to be.
This does not include locking yourself up in your apartment and playing video games, hoping everything will just go away.
I refuse to tell you everything is going to be okay if you aren't going to make it happen. I may not have experienced the "tragedy" you think you're going through, but that doesn't make reality go away. I know I'm coming off as a coxswain and not a friend, but sometimes you need a direct, no-bull slap with the truth.
I wasn't even trying to be hard, but when an obstacle presents itself, why not knuckle down and get it done. Create your race plan, attack and work aggressively to get what you want. In the end, you'll find that the biggest obstacle is really your own fear and doubt, not just a board exam. Think of it as a growing opportunity.
If your coxswain can't tell you what you're doing wrong, who will? I am still on your team at the end of it all...
***Late addendum from The Frisky***
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