So it's bracket season, unpredictable and heart-breaking. Definitely a cause for drinking this weekend. I am currently 8 for 12, and might suffer an aneurysm before the end of the month. (*p.s. I threw my bracket away 3 days in... 3/22/10)
There are many different brackets to create and the chances of predicting a perfect one are slim to none (Seriously, who picks Murray State and Ohio University...?). It's like everything we've seen the entire season has gone out the window....
Similarly, it's like all the lessons we learn about dating go out the window everytime we meet someone new, at least from a spectator's point of view. Since I do have a relationship nailed down, I've been watching my awesome friends and their dating escapades. Busted Brackets, 5-12 upsets, the disappointment that is Kansas and Georgetown; this is why we day drink...
(This article was humorous, but was told from the "friends" perspective. It's a bit self-centered and that's not exactly the approach I would take...)
Yes, dating is sheisty when you meet the wrong person. But when you look at it, the girl makes up half the date. If it's not immediate chemistry, then move on. Do the math! Chemistry is 1+1= heat.
...And the conclusion: If you wait around waiting for the guy to change, then you're literally the girl waiting to be used. Then if the guy does end up coming around, then he is in fact settling for you. Now how does that feel?
Maybe all of this is clear because I'm not mired in the mess; but on the flip side, my only messy relationships are the ones that ended. If a boat is shaky, maybe you just need to tweak the line up. I suggest a seat race, metaphorically of course.
Weigh your priorities going into a relationship. What do you want it to feel like? Is this a head race or a sprint race? Does he keep kiel? Can it survive the long run? And if even if the math good on paper, the chemistry should match as well. You may not be a player, but that doesn't mean you can avoid the Big Game.
Who knows? Maybe you'll find your own Northern Iowa before too long...
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