Thursday, December 27, 2012

The In-between Week

The seven days in between Christmas and New Year's always lags. You technically should be working, but no one really is. There are just enough days off that one or two days of work here and there don't seem to add any real productivity. I've just received a lot of out-of-office messages.

So, this week/end, before the New Year's Resolutions actually start, I will be doing some Experimentation. They say that with any goal, it's about changing your lifestyle. As stated previously, I created my Top 10 goals/resolutions a few weeks ago, and I'm trying to find what ways I can successfully incorporate those goals into my everyday. 

Don't be a Resolution Hater. You can start something new, or change a bad habit anytime you feel like it. But, how many people actually make it stick? What if you took the determination you have on January 1st and applied it all year? How much more successful/happy would you be? What doors would open up, or better yet, what doors would you make for yourself?

Here are my NYR for 2013

1) Read at least 25 books. 
I read about 18 this past year. Twenty-five is a step up, hopefully they won't include the Crossfire series...

2) To develop and maintain a functional Florida Crew Alumni network.
This will always be a big project, and never without its stumbling blocks.

3) I reached 150 runners for the River Run.
Go big or go home.

4) I will find a great house for our move, and create a creative and efficient work and living space

5) I will reach 200 blog posts, all with something to offer. 
I hope that this little blog has grown up in the past year. My resolution from last year has turned into a good semi-regular routine.

6) I will save +$100/month for our Japan trip, May 2014.

7) I will find a new job that is both challenging and well-paying.

8) I will run at least 7 races.
Running is something that I let fall by the way-side after this past Spring. I don't like running, but it's the only way I can keep things moving along. 

9) I will reach the 5,500-minute mark in NTC.

10) I am at 17% BMI.
My most vain accomplishment, if I ever get there. Currently ~22%

Like any good planner, these goals will soon be broken down into smaller, achievable daily/weekly goals. Little successes keep up the habit of making the goal. I've said this many times this Fall, "A year from now, everything will change whether I'm ready or not." So let's be ready. 

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