Saturday, February 28, 2009

I don't have low self esteem. I just have low esteem for everyone else...

Daria Season 1, Episode 1

After embracing that dating is a battlefield, Pat Benetar, it takes the pressure off a bit. But what happens when you're not really out dating. Thus we have the nothing-to-do-on-Saturday-night syndrome. I find I bake, a lot, when I'm left to my own devices with no specific agenda. I might be steps from anti-social cynicism, but I know that that's a bad sign.

Part of my reason could be that I'm not really meeting new people. I don't usually run into strangers in my day-to-day. There's my frequency at the gym, which could produce positive results. But I don't necessarily look my best on the treadmill, and that's not the best way to make a good first impression. This was so much easier in college, where at least you wander in and out of social circles filled with your peers. Peers being the operative word. In the "real world", which I hate referring to it as, there is a vast diversity of people, and from my experience, they aren't so transparent.

I get frequent suggestions that may be I should look into dating someone older, someone more on my intellectual and maturity level. But then comfortability becomes an issue. I fully admit that I don't put myself out there as much as is expected. But I don't want to feel like a tard....I find comfort sitting from a distance and judging. Not exactly the best perspective to meet people.

When you're driving, you have to be aware of other drivers, but in reality, the only thing you can control is yourself and your car. What role do others play in driving? We're taught to see, assess, and act based on our own personal safety. Driving is a solo mission. We go out expecting that people can be good drivers, some more than others. We go out on dates in a similar fashion; hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

For tonight, I can do without that gamble. But next week, I hope I'm not in the same predicament.

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