Friday, June 29, 2012

Fridays In Between

There are two major events coming for me in the near future: the day I get to meet Tim Lincecum and the night I get to see Magic Mike. But until those wonderfully perfect events present themselves, here is what I'm doing to bide my time…

1) Happy Bastille Day, now go run a 4-miler...
I've been super bad when it comes to hitting the gym this month. Luckily, I have my first 4-mile race in some less-than-desirable, insufferably hot weather. In an effort to not royally lose it before finishing, I at least better be able to finish 40 minutes on the treadmill prior to July 14. 

2) Finding the perfect lake float/cocktail combination
Every Fourth of July, my extended family makes an effort to visit my uncles' lake house in Tennessee. It's a holiday of floating, boating, and the occasional jump off the second story dock. I've packed SPF and Firefly…

3) Balls in the Air
I don't know how to juggle, for real. It's more like throwing things in the air and I may or may not catch them. But, juggling tasks and projects is my specialty. I love that I have many projects in the works, and not all of them work-related. It gives me a mission. From alumni planning, to alumnae planning, to travel planning, to… gasp...birthday planning, I love it. 
4) Giving 
Tomorrow is the deadline to give to the St. Margaret's Annual Fund. It's kind of a big deal. Most private boarding schools in Virginia operate on a very big budget, but St. Margaret's does not. So if you're an SMS alumna, give to the Annual Fund today!

5) The Pinewood Tippling Room
Another awesome ScoutMob find, the PTR has an amazing bar scene. Complete with Old Fashions on tap, Pinewood has awesome southern entrees and sides and very rich Chocolate mousse, served in a mason jar.  Go there, eat something. 

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