Sunday, September 30, 2012

End of September

In my last blog post, I was about to go on vacation. The summer was winding down and I was looking forward to getting through the next eight weeks. Now, we are four weeks in; lots of travel, and lots of sleepless nights without ZzzQuil. 

However, through the many twists and turns of September, I've come to a place where I can feel the push of a next step. The sleepless nights have been caused by a most certain uncertainty for the future. 

After my cousin's wedding, my BF and I faced the question: When will you two be getting married? 

After my most recent trip to the office, the question was: How have I been at this job for almost 5 years?

After every hectic season at work, I always ask myself: Are you ready to take this on again?

After coffee dates and dinner dates with my close friends, the question was, and still is: What are we doing?

I thought that with each passing year, my plans would be more clear. Perhaps they would start to form a bit more structure, so that a job/relationship/location transition wouldn't seem so daunting. Now, it seems I am more scattered and more in the fog than ever. This isn't a clear path. 

As much as I love rising the challenge, all I can see for my future career and life is a big black wall. As much as I think I've made the right moves for the last 5 years, I don't really know where it has taken me. I want to be the person that does something awesome; someone that doesn't have all of these uncertainty anxieties that have been hanging out with me for the past two weeks. 

I feel that this post needs some sort of moral, or a happy ending, but I don't have one yet. It's exciting trying to figure out what your next step will be. But, it's also unnerving trying to make sure that next step is on steady ground. 

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