Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Detox Long Weekend

In college, whenever I'd get burnt out with crew, or work, or relationships, or just bored of being in one place, I'd get in the car and drive to St. Augustine Beach. I'd have two hours driving and listening to music. I'd get my head together just in time to walk the beach, have a Pesky's burrito, and have a quiet night with one of my best friends. 

Strangely, I would find time to read, or lay out in the sun, get a pedicure or meet someone new. Things that I couldn't do or enjoy back at the home base, for some reason or another. I called these my "Detox" weekends.

Come on, we're not talking Spring Breakers here. If you wanted to get away for a day or two, how would you do it? 

Here are some of my more brilliant ideas:

1) Alone Time
Find something to do or somewhere to go, completely alone. This could be going to a movie, or out for a walk/run. I like going to a coffee or cupcake shop with a magazine. 

2) Buy Something
Retail therapy is good for the brain and your mood. Don't go crazy, but a new outfit/shoes, or getting your nails done, or even a couple new songs on iTunes will do the trick.

3) Appearance
I am a firm believer in the idea that people feel better when they look good. Take a shower, do your hair, pick an out outfit you feel great in, and go out.

4) Go Somewhere You Never Go
This weekend, I will be taking a stroll around the Tidal Basin and taking pictures. You could pick a local museum, or a store you've never had time to stop in, or an aquarium/zoo/garden etc.

5) Meet Someone
Call a friend for lunch or early dinner. It could be someone you haven't seen in awhile, or you best friend. Maybe try a new restaurant while you're at it. 

6) Read Something
Book/magazine/newspaper/podcast. Take your pick, but read for fun. This could be a quick article on your phone, or an hour or two in a hammock with Life After Life. (Yes, I just added this to my list)

7) Something Productive
I don't want to say do work. I don't think you should completely unplug either. If you don't have a painless errand to do, I like to open up my notes on my iPhone and brainstorm, from vacation ideas to possible future tweets. Change of scenery will change your mind, and with that may come new ideas you don't want to forget.

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