Saturday, January 30, 2010

Late Coxswain Resolution

I was always a fan of resolutions. I know some people wake up on New Year's and pledge to start the year on a new foot, be it going to the gym, quitting smoking, stop being a slut, etc. Others are slightly more cynical and pessimistic. I find it hard to not come out of the holiday season with at least a little bit of optimism; kind of like the first day of school when you have pretty, shiny new stuff.

Paired with this attitude, I also read a book of short stories by David Eagleman, titled Sum. It is 40 short stories about the Afterlife, think of it as semi-humorous, thought-provoking conjectures, spiritual not religious. The story that caught me the most was called " Subjunctive". Imagine being surrounded by you. Not just any version of you, but versions that had your life and made different decisions, better decisions. One you is more successful because they decided to apply themselves in school and work. Another decided to talk to that hot guy that you couldn't muster up the nerve for. Another was more focused at the gym and was trimmer and stronger for it. And you are surrounded by these, constantly reminded of what you didn't do in this life.

I say nay! If I'm going to be surrounded by more or lesser versions of Coxswain Patti's, I'm going to be higher up on the list of badass-ness. So with that in mind, I came up with these...

#1. Have a good move to Atlanta and get a killer new job
Yes, I'm moving to Atlanta, and moving in with my bf who hasn't proposed to me yet. Some say it's risky. Worst-case scenario has crossed my mind, so it's not like I'm not prepared for the worst. But hey, this is one of the first big adult decisions I've ever made, and I wouldn't do it if I didn't think I'd be happy. On that note, I am currently updating my resume and looking for event planning jobs available in July...

#2. Train for the 10k.
I'm a little person with little legs. A 10k is 6.2 miles. I give myself a little over an hour to finish, as long as I have a lot of Lady GaGa in my playlist.

#3. Be a TurboKick Badass.
For those who don't know, TurboKick is kind of the best workout ever. Now I just have to wait for a TurboKick Pro workshop to come to town...check it out!

#4. Finish Reading all of the Jane Austen novels.
Quantifiable, enriching and lots of tea! Hold on to your bonnets!

#5. Be an adult.
Not sure exactly what that would entail, but I think I'm getting closer everyday.

Try new recipes. Find a new haircut. Paint my apartment. Start saving $. Write more letters.
Keep on Coxing. We're never sure if our resolutions will be completed or if they'll last or if they'll make a difference at all. But I appreciate and value the willingness to try them. It's not easy to actively make the change, to step back from the day-to-day, make a goal and follow-through. But it is a realization that although we may not be the Gunslinger, but we can always try to be more badass...

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